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Call Us Today 913-353-5580


Foreclosure statutory right of redemption

About half of all states have laws that give homeowners the right to redeem their mortgages for a period of time after the foreclosure sale, typically by paying the foreclosure sale price, plus interest and other allowable fees, to the foreclosure sale purchaser. If a home sells at a foreclosure auction for a price far below its fair market value, the homeowner may be able to recoup the equity by redeeming the property for the foreclosure sale price, selling the home to a buyer for the fair market value, and keeping the difference.

Kansas and Missouri home owners, we can help prevent Foreclosure by buying your home! For Post-Foreclosure, we can only help people in Kansas by buying their Redemption Rights!

Call us NOW at 913-353-5580 and we can explore your eligibility!

Time is of the essence when it comes to this process. Every day you wait will mean less money in your pocket – CALL NOW AND LEARN HOW WE CAN HELP!