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Call Us Today 913-353-5580


Pre-Foreclosure equitable right of redemption

All homeowners, no matter what state they reside in, have the right to redeem their mortgages and save their homes from foreclosure by paying off the entire mortgage balance, plus fees and costs, prior to the foreclosure sale. Although most homeowners in foreclosure will find it difficult to come up with all the cash required to redeem in a lump sum, mortgages may also be redeemed by refinancing the mortgage debt or selling the home to a purchaser.

Kansas and Missouri home owners, we can help prevent Foreclosure by buying your home! For Post-Foreclosure, we can only help people in Kansas by buying their Redemption Rights!

Call us NOW at 913-353-5580 and we can explore your eligibility!

Time is of the essence when it comes to this process. Every day you wait will mean less money in your pocket – CALL NOW AND LEARN HOW WE CAN HELP!